thoughts on Ghosts of Tsushima

 Ghosts of Tsushima follows Jin as he goes through the most generic plot in the history of the universe. I could've fucking written the story for this. He loses his home has to save family member from evil invading forces has to band together with people like Yuna a thief in process doesn't stick to samurai code. Uncle is freed but is pissed Jin didn't stick to the samurai code but doesn't understand he did it to save his home. I will not spoil the ending as it isn't quite what I was expecting apart from the sequel baity bit.

One of the reasons the main story is lacking is because the side content is meant to bring it all up by adding character depth and make the universe feel more lived in. the main side quests are ones where you meet up with a companion from the main story like Norio for example then over multiple missions you seek revenge on the one who wronged them. instead of adding depth they all end up angry flawed characters but then when you go into main missions it doesn't track because while they can't interweave them because otherwise they wouldn't be side missions the emotions don't track. apart from we don't like them damn Mongols Grrrrr. the other side missions are more enjoyable but as they are only one mission long come off weak as stories as there isn't enough time to fully tell their story. In the process of this you can find artefacts and documents which are there to give you more real history about the world. it does take you out of it when you're in the middle of an enemy compound and find an artefact which if you then press options opens up an in game Wikipedia page. 
This could've been solved by when finding one of these artefacts when you press options it tells you a story about the item which would have definitely helped with the slightly lacklustre worldbuilding. Then there are the mythic tales which are very enjoyable each having their own bossfights stories and some actual gravitas. Each one opens with an awesome stylised opening sequence and ends with you having an awesome new move e.g. having a flaming sword. but there are only 6 of them and while more may have made your character very overpowered they could've lessened the abilities. They attempt to bring lore of the time like demons and gods into it but that mystical part of the game is always taken away by it being some bandits. I think if they allowed themselves more freedom with lore and actually had demons it might've been better off. what you're left with is outposts and collectibles. which is basically go to this shrine destroy that camp follow that fox which is repetitive and boring. but if like me you wanted to do them you can level up your characters health and on the way gather lots of supplies and then have an overpowered character and that's without the mythic skills. Its one of the first game where i have actually upped the difficulty. Even with all those problems it can be fun it does have some loveable characters like Taka and Kenji. The combat was fun but there are multiple ways to play this game combat wise so I wont delve into that as that is way more subjective. The collision detection wasn't perfect as my horse is clearly magic and can run through bamboo trees no problem.

But in the end if i could I'd wait until the game was £10-15. The environment and animation is genuinely amazing some characters and some of the worldbuilding is successful and for a quarter of the game the progression of my character is enjoyable.



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