Pixel games: the return of retro

Originally I was going to do a blog post about game graphics but I realised quickly what I had to say about them wasn't unique or a new viewpoint but I did get to look at some funny pictures anyways here is a link if anyone wants to know more about graphics fair amount of profanity you have been warned! Bad Graphics - YouTube Since videogames came into existence alot of developers have tried to make their game look as realistic as possible and because of this whole styles and looks of games were left by the wayside so someone could make sure that every hair on a random characters kneecap looks as realistic as possible in an attempt to immerse the player. but what most developers haven't realised videogames aren't about immersion half the time they are about creating a universe so that a player can do as much dumb stuff as they want with no repercussions when I play GTA 5 I'm not playing to immerse myself in the city of Los Santos I'm playing so that I can blow up a ...