Analysis of my top 100 films

 No I'm not out of ideas even if it looks like that I just thought it would be cool to put up but then I realised it only applies to me and it is just a list after all so analysis then its back to your irregularly scheduled content. First its not a set list my method was to put every single film onto a word document and then go through picking the ones which stood out most and repeating it so its not exactly scientific. even then similar films did seem to get grouped up some by accident obviously but Lawrence of Arabia and Bridge on the river Kwai numbers 17 and 18 are right next to each other I think because they're by Peter O'Toole who's style certainly had an affect on me. It happened more than once The Gentlemen and snatch both by Guy Ritchie are numbers 61 and 62. Bong Joon Ho, Christopher Nolan, Steven Soderbergh, David Fincher, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock and the Russo brothers are now clearly some of my favourite directors I think its different for each of them Soderbergh can switch styles Spielberg has a signature style and Lucas and Russo both are involved in great film serious sereye serieses there is no plural for series it really annoys me. franchises ids technically interchangeable but that sounds corporate and my favourite word is disenfranchisement anyways getting of course. A fair few of them seem to either be one of two films action or fight against establishment real or fake. I would like to say it's because the only establishment I've come up against school hasn't always been the best for me therefore I am more sympathetic and enjoy them more because that sounds more noble in a sense but I think its because I'm autistic I don't get alot of things and are somewhat against alot of them so I feel their plight but I haven't been oppressed. maybe its all pointless speculation and I've been brainwashed by Hollywood to like these films because of their underlying subliminal messages. 4/10 of my top 10 films are Sci-Fi which by precedent means it's probably my favourite genre I cant be bothered to go through and count. I'm not counting Drama because that's a load of rubbish almost inherently a film has to be dramatic or funny one of the two to be engaging or entertaining so having Drama count as a category seems pointless to me. I could say the 2000's and  2010's are my favourite decade but I don't fully believe that as well for 1 many older films are on the list but in general I haven't watched as many older films I just was not around to watch them. Film companies often keep their bejewelled masterpieces close to their chest as no matter what even if its you should watch citizen Kane its the best film ever they can keep bringing in the money. Streaming services are built with the idea of bringing the newest most popular entertainment to the masses therefore older films are left by the wayside in the process. Smaller cult films which have easily accessible communities on modern social media cult films from the past wont have the presence or need to keep on promoting their movies. I'll be honest while I try to ignore it as best as I can sometimes older films even  if its just the fact they are grainy can sometimes bug me because I live in a digital age where most smartphones have multiple built in cameras with more power than most movie cameras from the past ever had which makes me biased. (anyone who says they're unbiased is lying that's just fact it's impossible to be unbiased especially if you're a reviewer. sometimes always never, haywire, contagion and angel has fallen are criminally underrated but there are explanations sometimes always never is a small film even with Bill Nighy it wasn't  advertised enough Contagion while in the pandemic has obvious problems angel has fallen is a dumb action film but I do enjoy those a fair bit and haywire the only reason I can think is because the star has been accused of mocking trans people its either that or contagion and haywire which are both by Steven Soderbergh suffer because a fair few people don't like his style. Empire strikes back is the worst of the original trilogy and toy story 4 is the best one Shawshank is overrated and so is the godfather trilogy that's why its not on there those are my final comments on the subject for this. This blog and the last are more for personal entertainment. there are only 9 foreign films which is slightly disappointing unless you count Hollywood as foreign because I live in the U.K. next blog is about the art of subgenres au revoir.


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