
 As an autistic person I have struggled to know how people are feeling for example which means I struggle with things like friendships. This has led to me getting a lot of social anxiety because to my brain I am somewhat socially incompetent meaning I don't really have any friends. Also as an autistic person I sort of become in a way obsessed with things when I was younger I collected thousands of different cards like Pokémon or match attacks then I started reading a book a day. halfway through year 7 I found an app called cinetrak where I could rate all the movies I had seen so I thought this could pass the time for a few minutes then I saw how many films I had not seen and wanted to endeavour to change that. during that process I started to find friendship and ways to help me identify how people are feeling in real life. mostly though because characters are for the most part straight forward in films I was ableto if only for 2-3 hours not have immense anxiety and pressures on me. this led to me wanting to almost no matter want a career in film because ideally if I do manage to get one my stressful anxious lonely life will change to a low stress low anxiety one with friends who share my interests. so I went to York college for some open days and stuff where I found this course which seems to be a logical step for me to end up in film or media in general and have a happier life. :)


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