What i watched in 2020:

 I'm not going to go through everything obviously and also because cinetrakt the service i use to keep track of everything has from time to time lost clumps of my ratings which is highly annoying so I'm now changing to letterboxd here's my full profile:

‎yoyocrazybones’s profile • Letterboxd

most of my ratings are on their 50 or so are missing which I'm trying to resolve. Anyways I'm inly going to point out films which i gave a 10/10 or specifically impressed me enough for whatever reason. The reviews are going to be fairly short to make sure this isn't really really long.

True Romance 10/10 amazing film with an awesome shootout and Brad Pitt as a stoner who lays on a couch the entire time.

Andy Murray: Resurfacing 7/10 a film which somehow made me care about tennis.

The Report 8/10 just in general love films about exposing the corruption and absolute rubbish which goes on in government and confirms my beliefs we should tear it all down :)

Malcolm X 10/10 Denzel's best performance on film about a really interesting subject.

Heathers 9/10 really original film which has aged really badly in subject matter in some places and has the phrase F*** me gently with a chainsaw.

1917 10/10 is a oner war film which coincidentally shares its title with the number of days in 2020.

lucky number Slevin 10/10 which has Bruce Willis in one of the last years he cared about acting.

Final destination 7/10 has the most inventive deaths ever put on screen (I promise I'm not a weirdo).

Corpse Bride 10/10 has a drunk skeleton which instantly makes it better than 90% of films.

L.A. Confidential 10/10 about cops during the 50's which is my favourite cop era?

The personal history of David Copperfield 9/10 which made Dickens interesting even if not exactly sticking to the book directed by Armando Iannucci made a show with the phrase "I went to Spain. Mallorca went golfing with Stephen Hawking he lied about his handicap. Didn't need a golf cart, I just sat on his lap".

If Beale Street could talk 9/10 by the director of Moonlight which got 3 Oscars even though this film which is better only got 1.

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas 8/10 a career best from Johnny Depp directed by Terry Gilliam a film which made binge drinking and tonnes of drugs seem cool.

The Hunt 10/10 a film about how much little children can be massive twats.

The Invisible Man 9/10 I dunno what she saw in him.

Independence day 8/10 one of the only times I haven't found American patriotism annoying.

Green street 8/10 which made hooliganism seem a little bit less incredibly stupid.

Pachamama 7/10 an animated film which teaches kids about south American religion which is incredibly rare for a kids film to do.

The Lives of Others 9/10 watching someone listening to someone else talking.

Cube 8/10 if rubix cube was a horror film.

good night and good luck 10/10 black and white with lots of 60s smoking with a battle against McCarthyism makes it super cool.

the rainmaker 8/10 not 10/10 he didn't really make it rain.

Harry Brown 8/10 proves older people can still murder.

Locke 9/10 a man in a car talking to other people who are not in said car.

Animal Farm 7/10 this should be shown in schools to subconsciously indoctrinate children to political ideals.

Angel has fallen 10/10 dumb action is dumb but is mega fun.

Before I disappear 10/10 hidden pearl of a film with Ron Perlman.

Samurai Marathon 8/10 the title alone proves its a winner.

Haywire 10/10 has smooth jazz and spies.

Contagion 10/10 too real now.

Coherence 10/10 which has the most unwittingly ironic title in the universe.

Terminal 9/10 style over substance film.

Twister 8/10 has flying cows.

The farewell 10/10 maybe should've been called terminal.

Hachi a dogs tale 9/10 made me cry alot.

Seattle Superstorm 7/10 so bad its hilarious.

127 hours 9/10 made me feel very ill.

American The Bill Hicks story 10/10 which got an accurate award called most entertaining documentary.

The vast of the night 10/10 an amazing amazon  original.

midnight in Paris 10/10 has a subplot of a P.I. travel in time to Versailles hundreds of years ago.

The Oath 9/10 something must be terribly wrong in Iceland with the amount of good thrillers they put out.

The spy who came in from the cold 10/10 which wasn't about someone going inside because of the winter weather which for some reason I thought it would be.

Perfume the story of a murder 9/10 proves smellovision needs to be invented.

The Intouchables 10/10 a film which features unwanted hitler moustaches.

The green mile 10/10 has a 100 year old mouse which is awesome.

Duck soup 10/10 made me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself.

A day at the races 9/10 made me laugh so hard I cried which is a step before pissing myself.

The last boy scout 8/10 which has the line she's so fat I had to roll her in flour to find the wet spot.

JoJo Rabbit 9/10 made Hitler funny.

Eastern Promises 10/10 directed by David Cronenberg master of body horror which is very confusing.

The blues brother 8/10 has the best car chase of all time.

The jane Austen book club 8/10 made Jane Austen interesting.

Bombshell 10/10 proves America's most popular TV network is run by C****.

The karate kid 8/10 "wax on wax off".

Taxi 10/10 isn't at all taxing.

The gentlemen 10/10 proves Guy Ritchie can still make good films.

way of the gun 9/10 is directed by Christopher McQuarrie who has made some of the best action films ever like Mission impossible fallout.

Spiderman 2 8/10 it has Spiderman nuff said.

The clove hitch killer 9/10 knot bad.

Queen and slim 8/10 is incredible.

True Lies 10/10 I didn't know I could hate a title of a film more.

Parasite 10/10 has an overflowing toilet which the 5 year old part of my brain thinks is hilarious.

Halloween 9/10 not enough sweets. 

Spiderman into the spider verse 9/10 has multiple Spiderman's which is even better.

Donnie Darko 10/10 its got a evil bunny?

the lost boys 8/10 no one gets lost though.

Unbreakable 9/10 its worse sequel was called glass there is a joke there but I can't find it

I know I watched other films that year which the service I was using has lost like sympathy for lady vengeance was on my ratings when I searched it up but didn't appear on my timeline which is problematic for the list above did I watch it in a time vortex? ill do this again next year as i said this is slightly incomplete hopefully next years is not incomplete lets hope for a better year and this is  late because I'm very lazy so there you have it byeeeeeeeeeee


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